Nathalie Languages

The Importance of Learning English From Infancy


Although most parents recognise the importance of being able to speak English, it is very likely that they aren´t truly aware of the advantages of starting to learn this language as an infant. 

When we talk about infancy, we are referring to starting to learn before your child starts school. 

Learning English early is essential

Language acquisition is a long and complex process from the perspective of child development. Therefore, the earlier your child starts learning English, the better. 

There are different studies that show that natural ways of early language learning, that´s to say when parents speak different maternal languages, results in the child having a strong knowledge of both languages. 

If this is not the case in your family, but you want your child to start learning English as early as possible, don´t think twice about signing up to a teaching centre from the age of 3. 

Infant development professionals agree that children who learn languages from a very young age are much more receptive, creative, and more able when it comes to problem solving. 

So why wait for your child to become familiar with the sounds of the English language and develop their potential? 

5 Benefits of Learning English From Infancy

As a parent worried about the education of your child, we would suggest that you opt for learning a second language from an early age, and don´t leave it too late.

1. Learning Is Easy

If your child starts to study English very early, they will absorb the new language in the simplest way. When we are children, we learn language in an innate and natural way. We don´t need to try very hard to learn. 

Between the ages of 0-4 years old, children generate many neurological connections. During this period of brain formation, the brain acts like a sponge, absorbing a great quantity of information and knowledge very quickly and easily. Therefore, this is the perfect time to give your child linguistic stimulus. 

If your child starts to learn English from the very beginning, they will be able to master the language and pronounce everything to a very high quality. And what is more important is that your child will be bilingual in the future. 

If learning English takes place at an older age, learning is much harder and more complicated. When children study English, they store what they have learnt in the same single area in the brain. However, adults need two neurological areas, which makes learning a foreign language much harder.

2. It´s Good for Their Mental Health

Learning English from a young age has an incredible effect on the cerebral development of a child. They will acquire a greater capacity for concentration and will be much more agile and effective at problem solving. 

Another very interesting advantage is that your child will be able to efficiently multitask. It will improve their ability to store information, be more attentive, and moreover, be capable of connecting different concepts quickly. 

Overall, all of this will be translated into a superior cognitive development in comparison to other children of the same age.

3. It Will Enrich Their Intellectual Development

By learning English since infancy, your child will have access to two cultures. This is very valuable for their educational and intellectual development. And not just at an educational level.

By learning a different language or about a different culture, they will have to develop a more open mindset which will have a positive impact with their professional and personal relationships in the future. 

Your child will develop an excellent understanding of cultural diversity, and therefore they will be capable of communicating with people from all around the world, no matter the nationality.  

We live in a world that is becoming more and more globalised each day, thus learning English, which is the third most spoken language in the world and the most important at a professional level, will be essential in ensuring that your child has a future in the global job market. 

Another very important point is that once your child has learnt English, they will find it much easier to learn a third language. They will become a person with a great future, simply by the fact that they can speak two or three foreign languages.

4. Embarrassment Vs the Learning Process

Shyness or fear of being embarrassed about not knowing how to speak a language well is a very common characteristic for many adults. And the reality is that this often stops people learning a foreign language altogether. 

When children are very small, they don´t get embarrassed about anything. Therefore, it´s the perfect time to launch them into speaking and practicing English. Young children don´t worry about making mistakes or what others will think of them.  

Furthermore, your child will acquire a confidence and self-belief that will also be important for their future. 

Therefore, it is extremely recommendable that your child starts to learn English before they get embarrassed and thus make the process harder for themselves.

5. More Possibilities to Find Work

It´s an undeniable fact that knowing English opens more doors to employability options.  

If your child starts being exposed to this language from an early age, the possibilities of finding a job that they want in the future will be much greater. 

The fact of being bilingual or having a good knowledge of English opens your child up to the job market. As we have mentioned above, English is the most important language at a professional level; in fact, more than 80% of job offers require English. 

Not only is it the third most spoken language in the world, but it is also the official language of many of the strongest global economic powers. 

Since parents can also start to teach English to their children at home, this video is very simple and attractive, and your children will be able to learn the colours in English. 

Learning English from infancy, will without doubt, be the best decision that you will make. Make it possible that your child´s future is successful. 

Take this first step with Nathalie Languages and put your child´s education in our hands. 

Your child´s English education is the best gift that you can give them.  

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