Nathalie Languages

What are the Cambridge certificates and why are they interesting to you?


They are certificates issued by the University of Cambridge. To get them you have to pass the ESOL exams (English for Speakers of other Languages) that evaluate the level of English of non-natives.

They are one of the most prestigious exams in the world. The certificates are recognised by lots of companies, institutions and universities.

A Cambridge certificate that accredits your level of English, is a document of great prestige at an international level.

The University of Cambridge has been evaluating competence in English for more than a century around the world.

Each year more than 3 million people sit the official Cambridge exams. What are you waiting for to do this yourself?

Why is an English Certificate from Cambridge Useful?

It is an indispensable requirement for proving your level of English when asking for a place to study as an undergraduate or postgraduate at a foreign university.

It is a necessary requirement to certify your English, if you want to opt for a job placement in national and foreign companies.

In the new Plan Bolonia, the PET (Preliminary English Test) by Cambridge which corresponds to a level B1, is a minimal linguistic requirement to obtain a university degree.

They will give you points to:

The reality is that a Cambridge certificate can help you to grow professionally.

With these exams recognised internationally, you will be able to access higher education and improve your work opportunities. Your future would be much brighter like this, no?

Today it isn´t good enough just being able to demonstrate your knowledge of English, you must possess an international certification, recognised worldwide.

Therefore, the Cambridge exams are a preliminary necessity for obtaining this important recognition.

What Are the Different Cambridge Certifications?

They are clearly incorporated in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

In the 80s, at the European Council, all the components for the Association for Linguistic Evaluations in Europe met to establish the linguistic levels for the main languages within Europe.

This organisation is composed of the University of Cambridge, the Goethe Institute in Germany, the Alliance Française in France, the Dante Institute in Italy, and the Cervantes Institute in Spain.

After this meeting they published the different levels for linguistic competence: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

The equivalent levels in the Cambridge exams agreed by the association are: Movers, Flyers/KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE.

The University of Cambridge with these official levels, gives their exams a unique value of prestige and reliability that other linguistic certifications don´t have.

The Cambridge certificates don´t expire, there are for life. They are designed for you to develop and progress in all aspects of the language.

If you do them from the lowest levels, bit by bit you will be able to consolidate your skills and therefore be able to sit higher exams.

Nathalie Language Experiences is an official examination centre for Cambridge. Contact us to learn English and pass these exams with great success. 

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