Nathalie Languages

How to Write a CV in English


I am sure that you already know that it is important to know English in order to find a job. If you have already come to this conclusion, now is the time to write a CV in English. If you want to widen your professional prospects, continue reading this post.

Preparing your CV in English doesn´t mean simply translating a version that you already have in Spanish. There are certain peculiarities that you should bear in mind when creating this document to ensure that is correct and professional. 

There are some countries that leave out information that others consider to be essential. This is something that you should be extremely carefully with when writing a CV.

In Germany it is obligatory to indicate your marital status. In France it is recommended that you don´t include photos of yourself in case you are discriminated against. In the Netherlands, they put a lot of importance on one´s hobbies or whether you spend you free time dedicated to civic activities.

What we are going to explain in this post is how to write a CV in English that will be valid in countries that speak English, such as Ireland, Britain or Australia.

General Advice for Making your English CV

As you are going to find out, there are lots of aspects that are the same in both Spanish and English CVs, therefore the process of writing a CV in English is much simpler than you think.

As a starting point, it is fundamental that you write a CV in English using technical and conventional words in order to present all the information in a logical and coherent way.


 Structure of an English CV

Your CV should contain FOUR essential sections:

  1. Personal Information

Under this heading you should give all your personal and professional information, including your contact details.

  1. Work Experience

In this important section, you should include jobs that you have had, including your current job.

  1. Education and Training

In this part of your English CV you should include details of your education or training.

If you have excellent results that deserve to be highlighted, or if you have little professional experience, this section can come before the work experience section above.

Look carefully at the explanations below that show the equivalent level of qualifications in English:

  1. Personal Skills or Qualities

In this section you should express your skills as well as your individual qualities. Read carefully this advices to write a CV in English.

  1. Additional information

This is an optional section, but you may include any type of other knowledge that you haven´t indicated elsewhere on the CV.

It should be information that will give a more complete view of who you are as a person.

Information that you could add to your English CV:

To make it easier for you to complete your CV, we will leave this video here for you so that you can see how to make a CV in English.

Remember everything that you include when you write a CV en english. We will also leave you a link to the official European template for CVs if you would like to follow a standardised model.

If you need to improve your conversational level of English, or you simply need to gain more confidence to attend a job interview, get in contact with Nathalie Languages.

You can choose to sign up to our English courses or opt for the advantages of a linguistic immersion programme.

We assure you that you will be taking part in high quality training that will open many more doors in the world of work for you.

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