Nathalie Languages

8 Advantages of the Linguistic Immersion Programmes


Do you want to learn English properly? The solution to this problem is in taking part in linguistic immersion programmes

If you want to acquire the highest level and to improve your skills, this is the path to follow. Take a look at this post to see if you are ready to go abroad to study English.

What is a Linguistic Immersion Experience?

It´s a way of increasing your knowledge of any language that is different to your own native one. They are intensive courses that combine learning with living with local families.

During the stay, the students will have classes with native teachers, as well as be living with people from the local area. They will learn about the culture from first hand experience, and most importantly, they will improve their ability to communicate in the foreign language.

Throughout the different linguistic immersion programmes, the students will enjoy various group activities, all focused around improving and perfecting their speaking skills.

These are residentials where you learn English with the focus being on speaking the language; the best way of putting into practise everything that you have learnt in class throughout the year.

8 Reasons to do a Linguistic Immersion Programme

It is the most recomendable training for real assimilation of foreign languages, especially of English. At Nathalie Language Experiences, we believe that languages are learnt by experiencing them, and therefore we design our residentials so that the student spends 24 hours a day immersed in both the language and the culture.

  1. Improving your Confidence when Speaking English

By being in a foreign country and having to get by on their own 24 hours a day, the students will end up developing a greater self-confidence to cope with different situations. They will have to force themselves to be understood, and this will greatly reinforce their confidence when it comes to communicating in a language that isn´t their own.

  1. Improving your Oral Communication

This is the fundamental goal of the linguistic immersion programmes. As the students spend every day interacting with the foreign language, they will improve their abilities.

There isn´t a better way of learning to speak English, or any other language, than with constant practice. On these courses, it´s as if you are practising listening and speaking all day long.

All of this contributes to acquiring a valuable register in grammar and phonology which come as a very evident result of an improved capacity in communicating in this language.

Furthermore, the constant rotation of teachers let´s you form a substantially wider vocabulary and learn many coloquial expressions. 

  1. Starting to Think in English

With the linguistic immersion courses, by not speaking Spanish at any point, the students with an intermediate level of the language will start to be able to think in English.

One of the first barriers in exceeding in the learning of a foreign language is the tendency to want to translate everything. 

If you take part in frequent residentials of this kind, you will see how you will be able to express yourself naturally without having to translate everything sistematically in your head.

  1. Enjoying a Cultural Immersion

These linguistic immersion programmes are courses that entail the coexistence with teachers, families and natives.

By enjoying a residential with people from the local area, there is 100% cultural immersion, and it is very beneficial to know and understand the culture and customs of the country that you are visiting.

You will hear a great variety of accents which will improve your ability to understand the language better as a whole. In particular, this will help you to improve your communicative skills.

Do you know that our host families are some of the best? Find out how we select them.

  1. Development of your Interest to Continue Learning the Language

When you spend time abroad and you have to communicate with people in a foreign language, your perception of the language changes. You will start to see the use and the importance of studying a second language.

On seeing how you cope in an environment that if different to your own, you will end up convinced and very motivated that your must continue studying this language. And you may even want to take the plunge and take part in an academic year abroad.

  1. Boosting Independence and Personal Growth

The linguistic immersion programmes are a rich experience. Young people who take part in this type of course during the summer, being away from their family, become more independent.

There is nothing like spending time far from the protection of your family that allows students to mature and improve their ability to look after themselves.

They will interact with people of all ages, different cultures, and all of this will be very valuable to their personal growth. Human beings thrive from experiences, and this is without doubt, an extremely valuable experience.

  1. Overcoming Fears of Expressing Yourself in Another Language

The fear of speaking in another language that isn´t your own is very natural. With our linguistic immersion programmes, this shyness will be thrown aside because you will have no other option than to communicate in English. 

With practise you will realize that although you aren´t native, other people will be able to understand you. Fears are overcome by confronting them head on, thus this learning experience is an extraordinary opportunity to overcome them. 

  1. Enjoying Yourself and Meeting Lots of People

And last but not least, in these linguistic immersion programmes you will enjoy yourself and make new friends. In these intense courses to achieve maximum progress,  the goal is that the biggest part of the activities involve personal interactions.

The most effective way of learning a foreign language is taking part in a great variety of activities that are fun, motivating and that catch your interest. Throughout everything, you will meet many natives with whom we are sure that you will establish a friendship.

Do you want to significantly improve your English or another language that you don´t know? We recommend that you take part in a 100% English cultural immersion and you will see how your progress is more than noticeable. It is without a doubt the perfect compliment for the learning of a language.

You will be able to enjoy an unforgetable experience, rich, pleasant and very beneficial for your future. Would you like to go abroad this summer to study English and set out on this journey with us?

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