General conditions of use:

NATHALIE LANGUAGES, LTD. is the owner of the website and of the domain name

Identified Data

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of the Law  34/2002, from 11 of July, from Information Society Services and Electronic business, and the EU regulation 2016/679 from 27 de April 2016 relating to the protection of physical people with regard to the treatment of personal data and the free circulation of this data, and for the repealing Directive 95/46/CE (general protection of data regulation) the following data are reflected below:

Identified data of the responsible:

NATHALIE LANGUAGES, LTD., 3-7 Temple Avenue, Suite 38, Temple Chambers, London, England, ECY4Y 0HP,  Tel.: +00 44 7450 151508